The Goods

Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Riley Family

What better reason to celebrate than the entire family coming together to honor the love and devotion of 50 years of marraige. It was such an incredible experience to see what grows from two people falling in love over 5o years ago. Thanks for letting me capture such special moments. 

XOXO Cindy Emerson Photography

Saturday, February 25, 2012

The Harbin Family

Here is just a quick sneak peak of the adorable Harbin family in Vero Beach. It really doesn't get sweeter or cuter than this family right here!!!
 XOXO Cindy Emerson Photography

Friday, February 17, 2012

Tristen Idlette

Sneaky peak of the amazing Tristen. He was the former President of Student Council our first year at SGMS. Also happens to be one of the coolest kids I know. He's got an amazing birthday party planned, so prepare for some party pictures coming soon.

XOXO Cindy Emerson Photography

Caeley's Turning One!!!

Sneaky Peaky of one of my most favorite little princesses is turning one. She may not have a sweet tooth, but she sure is yummy. LOVE HER!!! Can't wait to get my camera on her baby sister coming sooooooon. :) 

                       Cindy Emerson Photography