The Goods

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

My Silly Son!!!

My creative outlet has been switched to home renovations lately, since I have been told by my doctor to, "take it easy with the photography" now that I'm in the third trimester.  However, I couldn't help but snap a few pictures when my son was in a very "Austin-like" mood.  To me, capturing his silly personality is something that is important to me.  He's such a sweet hearted kid with a really funny side.  I hope that these pictures will be something I will look back on in the future and really appreciate taking.

They are very "Him."

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

What I do when I'm not allowed to take pictures....

I have no choice but to redecorate, make canvas, and drive my hubby crazy when the Doctor advises me to "take it easy" with the photography.

Here's what I did...
1. Set up the tripod and did a self made session using my new remote the hubby got me to create maternity memories.

2. Printed out Pics and Mod-Podged them onto Canvas

3. Bought new Chevron Orange pillows and realized that the old painting no longer matched.

4. Found my favorite pinterest project idea and recreated in Aqua Blue with the wording to use as the center for my new canvases.

5. Re-did the entire canvas wall in all 16 X20 images.  

WHEW!!! This "taking it easy" is hard work.  hehehe.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Prego Growing Belly + Tripod + New Remote = My Own Maternity Session

My husband had to force me to do my own maternity session. You see... the last time I was pregnant I was HUGE.  No, Seriously... SASQUATCH.  Luckily, this time around the little man has been a little easier on me.   This meant that I would actually consider doing maternity photos.  The problem is... there are just so many adorably skinny celebrity-like preggos and so I was a little self-concious about the whole thing.  BUT.. I'm so happy to say that I'm obsessed with these shots.  Shout out to all the pinterest peeps out there.  I got a LOT of fantastic brainstorming done by scanning the web.  :)  Enjoy!!!